Another Fine Page
Stefan Marx | 1 minute
We are the finest madmans
and we are creating the most awesome bullshit
Let us add a piece of code in here:
# Solve the quadratic equation ax**2 + bx + c = 0
# import complex math module
import cmath
a = 1
b = 5
c = 6
# calculate the discriminant
d = (b**2) - (4*a*c)
# find two solutions
sol1 = (-b-cmath.sqrt(d))/(2*a)
sol2 = (-b+cmath.sqrt(d))/(2*a)
print('The solution are {0} and {1}'.format(sol1,sol2))
Now this should render as a fine code block…
lets try with highlighting
# Solve the quadratic equation ax**2 + bx + c = 0
# import complex math module
import cmath
a = 1
b = 5
c = 6
# calculate the discriminant
d = (b**2) - (4*a*c)
# find two solutions
sol1 = (-b-cmath.sqrt(d))/(2*a)
sol2 = (-b+cmath.sqrt(d))/(2*a)
print('The solution are {0} and {1}'.format(sol1,sol2))
I wonder if this will be a thing :-)